Our Montessori Toddler School program has several components that offer a variety of learning experiences and opportunities for the children to explore and learn about the world they live in.
Montessori Toddler School - is a toddler group for children aged 1 to 2.5 years, which was established in 2007. We invite you to visit our school, after making an appointment.
America celebrates Thanksgiving on 28th November 2019. Thanksgiving is a time to share and appreciate all our gifts of family, friends, home, health, and love. Thanksgiving is one of the special days that no matter where you live, or come from, everyone can celebrate. So, from our heart, to your homes we wish you a […]
Frequenty Asked Questions about us and Montessori pedagogy
What is the difference between Montessori and traditional education? Montessori emphasizes learning through all five senses, not just through listening, watching, or reading. Children in Montessori classes learn at their own, individual pace and according to their own choice of activities from hundreds of possibilities. Learning is an exciting process of discovery, leading to concentration, […]
Christmas is a festivity most awaited by children and this has immensely helped in the survival of the legends of Saint Nicholas or Santa Claus and particularly his reputation as a bringer of gifts. The American version of St. Nicholas, or Santa Claus originally came from the Dutch version called Sint Klaas. The Dutch settlers […]
“Help Me to Help Myself”: Independence and the Montessori Philosophy
Maria Montessori had an innovative perspective regarding education. She did not look at a set of skills or a body of knowledge. Instead she focused on the development of the whole person over the course of gaining maturity: “Montessori saw education as a means whereby children might develop their personalities so as to eventually achieve […]
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